Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Fish (Pseudomugil gertrudae) – Peaceful, Colorful Fish for Planted Aquariums.


The Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Fish (Pseudomugil gertrudae) is a captivating addition to any planted aquarium. With its translucent body, iridescent blue eyes, and striking black-spotted fins, this peaceful schooling fish brings an enchanting touch to aquatic setups. Native to the freshwater streams and swamps of New Guinea and Australia, these fish are well-suited for nano or heavily planted aquariums, thriving in well-maintained, soft water.

Key Features:

  • Unique Appearance: Semi-transparent body with vivid blue eyes and finely spotted, fan-shaped fins.
  • Peaceful Temperament: Perfect for community aquariums with similarly sized, non-aggressive species.
  • Small Size: Grows up to 1.2 inches, ideal for nano tanks or dense aquascapes.
  • Active Swimmers: Adds lively movement to planted tanks, especially in schools of six or more.
  • Easy to Keep: Hardy and adaptable with proper water conditions.

Care Instructions:

  1. Tank Requirements:
    • Minimum tank size: 10 gallons.
    • Soft, slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH of 6.0–7.5 and temperature between 72–80°F (22–27°C).
  2. Substrate & Décor:
    • Prefers a densely planted aquarium with floating plants, driftwood, and shaded areas for comfort.
  3. Filtration & Water Flow:
    • Gentle water flow is recommended, mimicking their natural habitats.
  4. Diet:
    • Feed a varied diet of high-quality micro-pellets, crushed flakes, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and micro-worms.
  5. Water Maintenance:
    • Perform regular water changes (20–30% weekly) to maintain pristine conditions.

Behavior & Compatibility:

  • Temperament: Non-aggressive and social, happiest in groups of six or more.
  • Tank Mates: Compatible with small, peaceful species like neon tetras, rasboras, and shrimp. Avoid keeping with larger or aggressive fish.

Breeding Information:

  • Spawning: Easy to breed in captivity. Males display stunning courtship behaviors, showing off their vibrant fins.
  • Setup: Provide fine-leaved plants or spawning mops for egg deposition.
  • Egg Care: Eggs hatch in 7–10 days. Fry require infusoria or powdered fry food in the initial stages.

Why Choose the Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Fish?

With their radiant appearance, peaceful demeanor, and compatibility with planted aquariums, Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Fish are a favorite among aquarists. Their shoaling nature creates a mesmerizing display, while their modest care requirements make them accessible for both beginners and experts.

Perfect For:

  • Nano Aquariums: Small size and low bio-load make them ideal for compact tanks.
  • Planted Tanks: Highlighted beautifully against lush greenery.
  • Community Tanks: Peaceful and sociable, adding diversity and activity.
  • Aquascaping Showcases: Their vibrant appearance complements intricate aquascapes.

Seasonal Interest:

  • Year-Round Beauty: Maintains bright colors and lively activity throughout all seasons.

Eco-Friendly Benefits:

Native to sensitive freshwater ecosystems, these fish are often tank-raised, reducing environmental impact and ensuring sustainable sourcing.

Creative Uses:

  • Highlight Species: Showcase their vibrant colors in a species-only tank.
  • Schooling Displays: Observe natural schooling behavior in groups of six or more.
  • Pair with Shrimp: Complement planted shrimp tanks with these active, non-threatening fish.

Bring the serene beauty of the Spotted Blue Eye Rainbow Fish into your aquarium today. Their peaceful nature, vibrant fins, and captivating behavior make them a must-have for any aquarist!